Generate passive income through referrals

Just because you're not actively selling anymore doesn't mean you can't still benefit from keeping your real estate license active.

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Everything You Need

All in One Place

Earn referral fee income by connecting prospective buyers and sellers to active real estate agents around the corner or across the globe. It’s that simple.

You aren’t actively selling real estate, so no need to join an association.
No MLS or Lockbox Fees
No sense in paying for something you don’t need.
No Monthly or Annual Fees
We won’t nickel and dime you.
Keep 90-100% of Your Referral Fees
You made the connection, so you keep the lion’s share.
No Production Requirements
Do as little or as much as you want.
Grow With Us
Use our company as a framework for your own referral business.

Frequently Asked


Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

Do I still have to have an active license to receive referral fees?
Yes. You must maintain an active real estate license with an active brokerage, such as our, in order to receive commission or referral income.
What is required to keep my license active?
You would have to pay your renewal fees with the state real estate commission, complete all of your continuing education requirements, and maintain your E&O insurance. That’s it!
If I’m an active real estate agent, can I still sell real estate on the side?
Our company was built for licensees that are no longer actively selling. That is why you don’t join a REALTOR association or pay MLS dues. If you want to actively sell, you will need to transfer to an active brokerage.
Am I limited to making referrals in my own state?
Nope! You can create a referral agreement with any active real estate professional around the world. As a matter of fact, some of the referral fees on international transactions can be almost as large as a full commission.

Don't go inactive! Hang your license with us today.